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2021 Husky 100 students are some of FYP's best student leaders.
FYP would like to recognize FIGs Program Manager, Meghan Coletta and Dawg Daze Senior Program Manager, Julie Berry on their UAA Staff Recognition Awards!
An ongoing collaboration between the University of Washington Population Health Initiative and First Year Programs offers incoming undergraduate students the opportunity to research and learn about the concept of population health within the local Seattle community.
Associate Director Carlos Guillen and two former FYP first year interest group (FIG) leaders, Max Chan and Marium Khan featured in "Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College" publication.
Six UW community members, including FYP Director LeAnne Wiles, are featured in Viewpoint Magazine as they share their personal experiences to continue the conversation around race and the need to actively engage.
FYP would like to recognize Associate Director Carlos Guillen and former Senior Program Manager, Daniel Barkley for their UAA Staff Recognition Awards!
2020 Husky 100 students are some of FYP's best student leaders.
Congratulations to former First Year Programs Orientation Leader, Dalton Owens, 2020 Homecoming Scholar.
Highlights of moving Advising & Orientation to a remote platform in 2020.
Disability Resources for Students (DRS) is providing accommodations during Advising & Orientation sessions.
The E-FIG programming is changing the first year experience of students in the College of Engineering.
It's time to welcome new students onto campus! Check out Q13's interview with Director LeAnne Jones Wiles about tips for new students and their families as they prepare to transition to life on-campus.
This year, First Year Programs celebrated the 30th anniversary of First-Year Interest Groups, formerly known as Freshman Interest Groups.
First Year Programs won the UW Faculty & Staff Insider #YouW photo contest for June!
2017 Husky 100 students are some of FYP's best student leaders.
Havana McElvaine, a 2017 Fig Leader, has her goals set to make a difference in hopes to inspire change around the world.
FYP would like to recognize former Transfer Engagement Manager, Ali Albrecht, for her UAA Staff Recognition Award!
The 2017 Bonderman Fellows includes three undergraduates who have worked with FYP!
2017 Husky 100 students are some of FYP's best student leaders.
Resources to help facilitate post-election conversations in the classroom.
FYP would like to recognize LeAnne for her award at the NASPA Western Regional conference.
In partnership with Advantage Design Group, First Year Programs created a successful online orientation experience in 2015.
FYP Director LeAnne Wiles is quoted in a US News article about moving away for college.
The Husky Seed Fund winners have been announced, and two recipients are involved with FYP!
LeAnne Jones-Wiles and a variety of students appear in a UW360 episode to speak about the Husky Experience.
What are Community College students expectations when transferring to a four-year Institution?
Impact of online learning modules (i.e. U101 and other programs at peer institutions) on student content retention.
Ramon Jiang, a 2016 Orientation Leader, highlights how first-generation college students navigate university life.
2016 Orientation Leader Jack Beam shares his research on the struggles that international students face during their American Higher Education experience.
The Commuter and Transfer Commons was featured in The Daily on 10/6/16! Senior Program Manager Ali Albrecht shares the importance of having a space for students who often share the two identities as a commuter and transfer student.
The Husky 100 is a tri-campus award that recognizes students. Recently the UW unveiled the inaugural Husky 100 class, and quite a few of the students recognized have been affiliated with First Year Programs!
FYP partnered with the Center for Communication, Difference, and Equity to host an “Interrupting Micro Aggressions” workshop for First-year Interest Group (FIG) Leaders.
Former Student Coordinator, Peter Kechemet, along with two other students have created an app that will facilitate a trade between two individuals with unwanted gift cards.
FYP Student Coordinators presentation “Supporting Students who Support Students” was selected as the best student presentation in the region.
Documenting student success from the start, read the Provost Series Winter Report.
FYP presented a poster on streamlining student staff application process at the Organizational Excellence Showcase.
FYP would like to recognize Natalie for her award at the NODA Region I conference.
First Year Programs would like to congratulate Julie Larsen for spearheading the 2016 Region 8 NACADA conference.
120 Mary Gates Hall Box 352825
Seattle, WA 98195-2825
Mary Gates Hall 120
Academic Year: Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Summer: Mon-Thurs 7:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m., Fri 8 a.m.–12 p.m.
Winter Break: Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Commuter and Transfer Commons (HUB 141)
Academic Year: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Breaks & Summers: Closed
Closed during University holidays.
206-543-4905 (Voice)
206-207-5564 (Text)
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