Welcome to the University of Washington!

While Graduate and Postbaccalaureate students are not required to attend a First Year Programs Advising & Orientation session, we encourage you to follow the steps below to help make your transition to UW as smooth as possible.

Complete Required UW Task 

  1. Check in with your department.
    • Ask questions about what you need to know before classes begin. Do you need to attend any required training or orientation sessions? How do you go about registering for classes? Each department has different requirements.
  2. Activate UW Email
  3. Upload Husky Card Photo
  4. Review Disability Accommodations Request Process (Academic Year) 
  5. Review the Student Code of Conduct
  6. Review the UW General Immunization Requirement. If you are going into a Health Sciences program, please review the Health Sciences Immunization Program's (HSIP) webpage to determine if your program requires HSIP requirements instead. 
  7. Complete UW Course - Title IX: Husky Prevention & Response
  8. Complete UW Course - Hazing Prevention
  9. Review Housing and Financial Aid
  10. International Students: Review the ISS New Student Website

Prepare for your Transition 

When preparing to start school, we suggest exploring the following resources.