After Transfer Orientation Advising Experience, students should:
- Understand the requirements for their intended major(s) and understand the application/declaration process.
- Understand how the credits from their previous institution are applying towards their University of Washington degree. If all credits are not transferred understand the process of getting them transferred and evaluated.
- Have a plan for first quarter registration. Understand how to build a balanced schedule, what courses are needed, and have back-up course options.
- Be registered for the majority of their first-quarter schedule and have all necessary override/add codes for their first quarter courses.
View Advising and orientation learning outcomes overall.
View Student List & Zoom Links Website
AfternoonAdvising Rotations for Course Registration
Please direct students to look at their schedule after your appointment. They have additional orientation community group meetings and tasks to complete.
Rotation | Appointment Slots + Registration Lab | Notes and location |
I: Individual Appointment |
1:30 - 2:00 p.m. (advising) 2:00-2:30 (lab) |
Appointment - In FYP shared Zoom room. Advisers will have a breakout room, and FYP will manage the main space. Registration Lab - In shared Zoom room. Studnets will attend a registration lab based on affiliation with UAA or OMAD. Zoom links can be found in the presenter list or the TR session agenda. Reach out to FYP if you need assistance finding Zoom links. |
G: Group Appointment |
1:30 - 4:00 p.m. (advising + registration) |
In Zoom room provided by the department. Students will register for classes in the group session. Typically we can provide an Orientation Leader to support registration questions. |
G2: Group Advising & Registration Lab (UAA only) |
Advising: 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. (start time and appointment length vary) Registration Lab: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. (after advising appointment) |
In Zoom room provided by the department. Unllike G rotation, where advising and registration take place in the same meeting, G2 registration labs take place in separate Zoom meetings. Typically we can provide an Orientation Leader to support registration questions. |
N: Advising Beyond A&O |
Scheduled by student and student's departmental adviser. |
In Adviser zoom room. A student who makes an appointment outside of A&O to meet with an adviser at a later time must register for classes with the adviser. The student when signing up for A&O date, will use the adviser booking link to schedule an appointment beyond the synchronous A&O dates. The student will meet with their departmental adviser at a time that works best for each of them. |
Individual Advising Appointments: Due to the limited time, you do not need to register the student for classes but further examine unique student needs. The majority of course registration should take place in the registration lab.
Group Advising Appointments: Transfer A&O group advising is the time to register a student for classes in addition to further supporting students' unique needs.
If you have a student who arrives at your appointment unprepared, please let us know. We will contact the students to ensure they get the necessary information.
Registration Lab: UAA and OMAD will run a registration lab each day from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. If you run out of time, you can find the link to the lab on our presenter list document or reach out to a team member.
Transfer Orientation Structurekeyboard_arrow_down
- Registration Foundations (9:00am - 9:45 am)
- Advising overview session. Students will view a registration presentation with their OL during their second A&O Community Group.
- UAA, OMA&D, and select Group Advising Departments to participate in the session.
- All group appointments will have an assigned Orientation Leader. Review OL roles below - step 4.
- There is an extended registration foundations session that runs from 9:00am - 10:30am. Check presenter list to see if you department is following the extended- or regular registration foundations session.
- Course Registration (1:30pm-4:00pm)
- Individual and Group Appointments
- Review transfer advising learning outcomes for the appointment.
- All group appointments will have an assigned OL. Review OL roles below - step 4.
- Please have students complete the Advising & Registration Check-In Form after they have registered.
- Registration Lab
- Students in the rotation I: Individual Appts have the option of attending the registration lab for additional registration support.
- Students in rotation G: Group Appts will be registered in their group advising appointment.
- Please have students complete the Advising & Registration Check-In Form after they have registered.
- Orientation Leader Role: Orientation Leaders will staff all group advising sessions (registration foundations and course registration). You can view your assigned OL on the /presenterlist and add the student as an alternate host. Please update the academic support guide to outline how you would like OL's to support your sessions. OL's can do the following:
- Admit people to the room
- OL Speaker (welcome, introduce presenter)
- Time cues (private chat)
- Manage breakout rooms & polls
- Help with Q&A in the general space while you might be meeting with a student in a breakout room
- Manage chat
- Help navigate registration screens and the process in MyUW, MyPlan, and registration via SLN.
Student Lists & Zoom Linkskeyboard_arrow_down
How to find your students in /aolist
- First navigate to and select sheet with the data/session you have appointments with students
- Find column AI (Adv_Reg_2_Dept) and scroll down the spreadsheet until you find your department.
- Double check column AK (Adv_Reg_2_Time), AL (Adv_Reg_2_First), AM (Adv_Reg_2_Last). This should be your appointment time, first name and last name respectively.
- Your student's name, ID and information will be in the same row of the spreadsheet. DO NOT SORT the spreadsheet. We recommend that you use the arrow keys on your computer to navigate the cells of /aolist.
Zoom rooms
- For individual advising appointments we will use this Zoom link -
- For group advising appointments, advisers will use the Zoom link submitted by their department. These Zoom links can be found in the presenter list, transfer adviser tab (B2), and are also listed below.
Zoom Link
Applied and Computational Mathematics Studies
Art; Art History and Design
ENGR - Allen School- Computer Science & Computer Engineering
ENGR - Bioresource Science Engineering (BSE) - linked with ESRM
ENGR - Civil and Environmental Engineering
ENGR - Electrical Engineering and Electrical Computer Engineering (E E) & (ECENG)
ENGR - Materials Science Engineering
ENGR - Mechanical Engineering
Environmental Science and Resource Management (ESRM) - linked with BSE
Social Sciences (POL S, AES, GEOG, HIST, LSJ)
Informatics; Direct Admit Only
Law; Societies & Justice (LSJ)
Political Science
Public Health-Global Health
Social Welfare
Submit Availabilitykeyboard_arrow_down
FYP will send out a Google Form to collect adviser availability prior to Orientation Dates starting. FYP and UAA will schedule advising appointments for all departments based on the provided availability. Please email to provide or edit your availability.
One week prior to each session, you will receive an email informing you that the session has closed and how many students have signed up for an appointment with your department.
Purpose of Connecting Departments with Transfer Studentskeyboard_arrow_down
We want students to be connected to departments early to ensure a smooth transfer transition. At your leisure please review the learning outcomes for transfer appointments. During the advising appointments, we recommend structuring your time to include the following:
- Begin the discussion around applying for a major and identifying the student’s area of interest.
- First-quarter class registration - balance schedule, credit load, courses needed, back-up course option.
- Transfer credits and final transcripts (making sure they have been submitted)
- Answer general questions from the student and plans for success (study abroad and how they make it fit, double majoring, minors, denied from competitive major - what’s next, etc.)
- Course registration override or add code needs
- Register for classes (Group Advising rotation F appointment only)
Departmental Information for Transfer Student Success (DITSS)keyboard_arrow_down
While we make every effort to have transfer students be seen by departmental advisers, this does not always happen during A&O. To ensure that transfer students are completing their advising and registration process during an advising appointment with Undergraduate Academic Advising, we are requesting that departments share information not readily found on websites that is specific for Transfer Students. Please follow these instructions in order to share content. This content is only available to UAA Advising and First Year Programs Professional Staff:
- Complete Sharepoint form with contact info:
- You will receive an email with an invitation to join a Sharepoint folder.
- Once invited to the drive, create a folder with the name of your department (add subfolders if you have different info for different majors in your department)
- Suggestions for things to add:
- Important course sequencing that is not obvious to those outside programs
- Course registration information
- Do you hold spaces for transfer students?
- Put add codes in your folder for direct registration.
- Sample schedules (if normally given to transfer students)
- Important handouts that are normally given to transfer students
- Pre-requisite/admissions tips not immediately obvious on the website