Whole or partial funding of the following programs for all new students is provided by the NSEOF including:

Programs for all first-year students:

  • Advising & Orientation, First-year Interest Groups (FIGs), Dawg Daze, University & Collegium Seminars, Commuter and Transfer Commons, CIRCLE (the Center for International Relations & Cultural Leadership Exchange) Regional Connection groups, HUB transfer engagement, OMA&D Welcome Daze, Undergraduate Academic Affairs (UAA) administration 

Programs for academic success

  • Academic Support Programs, Center for Learning & Undergraduate Enrichment (CLUE), Writing Center (includes online writing support), Success Coaching, tutoring/mentorship program, Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (OMA&D), Undergraduate Academic Affairs (UAA) Advising

Fund balance spending priorities 

In the event there is a fund balance from the NSEOF, the allocations of funds will prioritize the following areas: 

  • Build reserve to 20% of prior year expenditures, including "transfers-out"
  • Pay for faculty, staff, and student wage increases if not fully funded by the FYE Council 
  • Fully fund New Husky Communications budget. 
  • Support programs currently funded by the NSEOF (Academic Support Programs, First Year Programs, UAA Advising, OMA&D, UAA Administration, and New Husky Communications) 
  •  One-time "bridge" funding for programs in a pilot phase or waiting for permanent financing to be established 

Individual unit fund balances  

Departments and units that receive funding from the NSEOF may maintain until-level fund balances at their discretion to use for various expenditures to support first-year student success. Expenditures can include but are not limited to operational, professional development, or technology.