First Year Programs

Deferring, appealing, or errors with the fee

Can I defer the New Student Enrollment & Orientation Fee (NSEOF)?

If you are unable to pay the NSEOF, you may request to defer the cost if you’ve submitted a FAFSA or WASFA and you are eligible for the Pell Grant program or you have an extenuating circumstance that prevents you from paying at this time. Requests are evaluated individually. Please note, GET funds may not be used to pay the NSEOF so we encourage you to plan accordingly. Veterans wishing to defer the NSEOF should contact the Veterans Educational Benefits Office for more information.

  • If your NSEOF deferral is approved, the fee will be due with tuition on the third Friday of the quarter. View the academic calendar to verify the date.
  • If your NSEOF deferral request is approved but you do not enroll, your payment is still an obligation and due by these dates.
  • If your NSEOF deferral request is denied, you will be notified via your UW email and instructed to pay. Your admission to the UW is not confirmed until payment is received and accepted.
  • International students are not eligible for an NSEOF deferral.

If you have additional questions about the deferral process please email UW Admissions,


What if I am not coming to the UW due to finances? (Non-refundable appeal form)

The NSEOF is neither refundable nor transferable to another quarter or another student. If you are no longer attending the UW due to financial hardship and would like to appeal this policy, please complete the following form:

Non-refundable policy appeal form

Error in charging the NSEOF 

If you believe there was an error and you were charged incorrectly, please complete the form below, and our office will be in touch with you.  

Appeal form