Question 1: Motivation
a. Why do you want to return to the FIG Leader position?
b. Based on your experience, describe an improvement that the FIG program should work on.
c. As a returner, how would you contribute to that improvement?
Question 2: Transition
a. What is a challenge you experienced as a FIG Leader?
b. How will you change your approach for this role based on this experience (e.g. teaching, planning, grading)?
Question 3: Learning Environment
a. List three (3) things that new FIG Leaders need to learn in the spring preparation class to be successful in the autumn quarter.
Question 4: Community
Request an endorsement statement from a fellow FIG Leader addressing the prompt questions using the FIG Leader endorsement form.
*Endorsement statements should be a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 300.
1. What has made this FIG Leader a great peer in this class?
2. How have they supported you as a fellow FIG Leader? (If you don’t have a fellow FIG Leader that can endorse you, fill out the form yourself and there is a space to indicate that!)