First Year Programs

New FIG Leader application questions

Question 1: Motivation 
a. Why do you want to be a FIG Leader?
b. What do you believe students should learn in a FIG to support their transition to the UW?

Question 2: Transition 
a. What is one lesson you learned during your transition to the University of Washington?
b. What is a 15-minute activity that you could facilitate in your class that would help first-year students learn that lesson? (Resource:

Question 3: Learning Environment 
a. Tell us about a memorable classroom learning experience (positive or negative). 
b. How would this experience inform the way you would teach a FIG (e.g. your teaching style)?

Question 4: Community 
a. Please include a list of activities that describes relevant job experience, volunteer work, clubs and organizations, hobbies, and any other activities you enjoy doing on and off campus. This list does not have to be limited to only organized or academic activities. The activities list is another way for us to get to know you. 
Please limit your response to a few paragraphs and/or bullet points. 
b. From your activities list, select one activity and share how it has impacted your Husky Experience
(Please note as well that you define your own Husky Experience and we wanted to provide resources as well!)