Thank you for participating in Advising & Orientation Pt.2.
Use the dropdowns below to ensure you have everything needed to prepare for your A&O session. If you have additional questions, please reach out to our team via email, Microsoft Teams chat, or phone/text 206-207-5564.
Academic Adviser Checklist (Registration Foundations & Course Registration)keyboard_arrow_down
Take Action Now - Due March 3
- Zoom Link: Follow the Zoom Setting Instructions, /zoomsettings to update your presentation zoom room and add fyp staff as alternate hosts.
- Freshman Advisers: Send the link to so we can test it.
- Transfer Advisers: Submitted via the transfer availability form.
- Student Leader Instructions: Review and update Academic Support Guide Instructions, /aoasg for our orientation leaders and student assistants. Please update tab 2. Reg Foundations and tab 3. Course Reg.
- the information in the doc currently is from 2024, please update as needed for 2024-2025 if your requested support has changed.
- Adviser Information by Session: Please populate the adviser information for all dates on the Presenter List, /presenterlist "B1. FRUS/INTL_Advisers or B2. TR_Advisers" tab. Greyed-out lines indicate that you are not scheduled for that session- please do not remove a grey line without connecting with FYP.
- Ensure the Lead Contact section is accurate and updated.
- Review Registration Foundation and Course Registration session day and times.
- PLEASE email ASAP if you notice any issues or incorrect information on the /presenterlist
- Rosters & Student List: If your department has specific affiliations, that we have requested lists for, please update the Student Roster, /aolist tab"1.NotesList" to ensure students are coded correctly in our system. Please do not email student data.
- Dates and Agendas: Review the dates and agendas on the A&O Calendar, /calendar. Select the session code # to view the student agenda
- All OMA&D appointment information will be listed at the bottom of Pt. 2 and Pt. 3 agenda dates for freshman students.
- If you are presenting to families, ensure the session dates are accurate (page 2).
Before & During your Session
- Final Presentation: Upload your final presentation to the A&O Slides Folder, (/aoslides) as soon as possible. For accessibility reasons, we would like you to upload at least one week before the session but we understand if you do not have the slides available until your first session.
- We will link your presentation on the student agenda for review or make-up purposes. Please tell FYP if you have a preference on which presentation is used as the public version. You may consider creating a template if you do not wish for your presenter slides to be public.
- File Naming: To help students find what they need, please use the following naming format for your files: department_population_session title_year.
- Examples: Instead of "Day 1 A&O," use "Business_TR_Course Registration 2024," or "Informatics_FR DA_Registration Foundations_2025."
- Presentation Recording: If presenting in your own zoom room please record to the cloud, download, and upload your zoom recording to your A&O Slides Folder (/aoslides) folder. Review the zoom recording guide. When you upload please let our team know (email or teams chat) so that we can move the recording to vimeo and provide captions. You only need to record your session one time.
Presenters (Non-Registration Sessions) keyboard_arrow_down
Take Action Now - Due March 3
- Review Session Information: Review the A&O Sign Up (/aosignup) to ensure that you have signed up for your session. We will add your team to our shared Zoom rooms.
- Please include all people who need an alternate host status. If you find an error let us know and we will fix it ASAP.
- Zoom Link: If you are hosting a session in Zoom in your own meeting room follow the Zoom Setting instructions (/zoomsettings) to update your settings and add FYP staff as an alternate host.
- You only need to set up a new Zoom if you do not have access to your previous A&O Zoom link.
- If you have access to your previous A&O Zoom link, you will only need to update that link with the new FYP alt host
- Dates and Agendas: Review the dates and agendas (select the session code#) on the A&O Calendar (/calendar)
- If you are presenting to families, ensure session dates are accurate (page 2).
- How 2 Husky Session Descriptions
- If you want an updated title or description or find an error send an email to
- Presenter Information by Session: Please review your session information on Presenter List (/presenterlist) "A. Presenters (AO2)" tab.
- Ensure the "Lead" column is accurate.
Before & During your Session
- Final Presentation: Upload your final presentation to the A&O Slides Folder (/aoslides) as soon as possible. For accessibility reasons, we would like you to upload at least one week before the session but we understand if you do not have the slides available until your first session.
- We will link your presentation on the student agenda for review or make-up purposes. Please tell FYP if you have a preference on which presentation is used as the public version. You may consider creating a template if you do not wish for your presenter slides to be public.
- File Naming: To help students find what they need, please use the following naming format for your files: department_population_session title_year.
- Example: Instead of "A&O Presentation," use "LiveWell_TR_Health & Well-Being_2024."
- Presentation Recording: If presenting in your own Zoom room please record to the cloud, download, and upload your Zoom recording to your A&O Slides Folder (/aoslides) folder. Review the Zoom recording guide. When you upload please let our team know (email or team chat) so that we can move the recording to Vimeo and provide captions. You only need to record your session one time.
- Mic and Presentation Location: Please plan to present from your comptuer, one person per zoom. If you need headphones please reach out to our team and we can support your needs.