FIG courses include information about various campus and academic resources. We are always looking to have content from the "experts" for certain topics. While each topic won't be applicable to every group of FIG students- we can provide the content to FIG Leaders to use at their discretion! 

There is no guarantee that module content will be used by every FIG Leader for their GEN ST 199 section. 

Submit a Module 

  1. Read the instructions about how to create a module and use the "Module Template" provided. You can see an example "Involvement" module at the bottom of the document as a reference. 
  2. Once you have completed your module, you can submit it by emailing it to the FIG Program at 
  3. We will then add the module to the FIG Leader Google Drive as a resource for FIG Leaders to use in their curriculum development based on their student's needs.

Deadline: We give FIG Leaders the list of newly added or updated modules during two timeframes. 

  1. Spring Quarter to utilize during the course they take where they craft the content for their GEN ST 199 section. To be included, module content would need to be submitted by early March. 
  2. September to assess/ adjust their content based on their students needs while they are teaching in Autumn. To be included, module content would need to be submitted by August.