To help you get the most out of your Dawg Daze experience, we have provided answers to frequently asked questions below. We are happy to answer any additional questions, which can be sent via email to
Dawg Daze has been a longstanding tradition of the University of Washington and is one of the nation’s largest weeks of welcome. Started in Fall of 2000, Dawg Daze has grown from 13 events to hundreds of events and activities in partnership and collaboration with more than 180 departments and student organizations representing a diverse array of resources and opportunities.
Dawg Daze activities range from academic workshops and info sessions to concerts and games, and includes New Husky Welcome Day. New Husky Welcome Day features New Student Convocation and Husky Kick-off, where students can take their iconic class “W” photo on the field at Husky Stadium.
Dawg Daze is open to all First Year Students and is free to attend. All events are listed on the Dawg Daze website – find the one you are interested in, the time and the location, and check it out! You can use the “add to calendar” feature to help keep track of all the events you want to attend.
Dawg Daze is intended for first-year students. There are specific events throughout Dawg Daze that are open to families and other students. Please review the information on Parent & Family Programs' events to see which events you can attend.
Current UW students who are interested in attending Dawg Daze can sign up to be a Dawg Daze Leader, our amazing volunteers who help make Dawg Daze a success. Learn more about being a Dawg Daze leader on our website.
Dawg Daze Events can be hosted by campus departments, registered student organizations, and community sponsors. You can find more information about hosting an event on the Dawg Daze Resources website. If your organization is not affiliated with the University of Washington or if you do not have a NetID, please reach out to for information on event hosting and sponsorship.
Dawg Daze Events follow all UW campus safety measures, including current COVID safety guidelines, UW student code of conduct, and all UW policies as outlined by the office of University Policy and Rules Office. Please notify Dawg Daze staff if you have any questions about these guidelines.