First Year Programs

Why share your pronoun?

First Year Programs is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all members of the UW community. We encourage sharing pronouns during introductions and display them on name tags and pronoun buttons to normalize this practice.

When community members ask about our pronoun sharing practices, it creates valuable opportunities for meaningful dialogue. Here are some key reasons why sharing pronouns matters:

  • I share my pronouns because I don’t want anyone to feel unsafe or unwelcome and I think this helps.
  • I think that sharing my pronouns helps everyone feel included and respected.
  • Sharing my pronouns helps make the UW a more welcoming place for people of all genders.
  • I want to make sure that everyone gets my name and pronouns right every time; I also want to make sure I get everyone else’s right, too!
  • I believe it’s more respectful not to assume someone’s gender based on how I think they look. I’m sharing mine so that you won’t have to assume either!
  • I really appreciate that you asked! I share mine because I am an active ally.
  • I share mine because I am proud to be trans, and having the chance to share my pronouns at work is phenomenal!
  • I share them because I think this helps to create a more positive environment for all people who live, work, visit and learn here at the UW.