2024-2025 FYE Student Advisory Council
The FYE Student Advisory Council is an undergraduate student council that provides input and feedback regarding transitional and academic support programs for first-year undergraduate students. The council will discuss programs provided to first-year undergraduate students that are supported by the New Student Enrollment & Orientation Fee (NSEOF) and decide if the proposed rate increases are justified. These programs include Academic Support Programs (CLUE/Tutor-Mentor Program), Advising (UAA and OMA&D), Advising & Orientation, Dawg Daze, First-year Interest Groups, Commuter & Transfer Commons, and New Husky Communications. The council will also discuss transitional issues first-year students face as they join the University of Washington community. Questions? Please contact: fyesac@uw.edu
The Council will meet during the winter quarter, and meeting times will be set based on committee members' availability.
FYE Council Interest Form - Due December 13, 2024
2024-2025 Council Members
Designated Seats | Name | |
Yuxi Cao | yuxic2@uw.edu | |
Meryl Hubbard | mmh49@uw.edu | |
Grace Braidish | gbraid@uw.edu | |
Emely Lara-Dominguez | emelyl2@uw.edu | |
Joey Wu | jwu203@uw.edu | |
Kristina Montero-Duong | kmonte203@uw.edu | |
Devyn Brandt | deanb03@uw.edu | |
Reagan Ince | rince@uw.edu | |
Lorelei Cassman | phmemdev@uw.edu |
Membership includes students from the following funded units: Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, First Year Programs, Academic Support Programs, and Undergraduate Academic Affairs Advising, UW CIRCLE.
Council Advisor: LeAnne Jones Wiles, ljwiles@uw.edu
Council Information & Minuteskeyboard_arrow_down
The council will discuss programs provided to first-year students that are supported by the New Student Enrollment & Orientation Fee (NSEOF) and decide if the proposed rate increases are justified. These programs include Advising & Orientation, Dawg Daze, First-year Interest Groups, Commuter & Transfer Commons, and Academic Support Programs (CLUE/Tutor Mentor Program), UW CIRCLE Regional Connection Groups, OMAD/UAA Peer Advising.
Meetings will be held in the winter quarter. The Council will have representatives from various student organizations along with first-year students at large.
Council members will be compensated for their time. If a council member is not paid by their employer to attend, they are eligible to receive a Husky Textbook award for each meeting attended at a rate of $25 per meeting. Awards will be granted after the final council meeting.
*Council members MUST be UW students*The meeting minutes will be posted in the following folder.
Winter Quarter Meeting Times
- WIN (Wk 6) Thursday, February 13th 3:30 - 4:45 PM, Mary Gates Hall 120
- WIN (Wk 7) Thursday, February 20th 3:30 - 4:45 PM, Mary Gates Hall 120
- WIN (Wk 8) Thursday, February 27th 3:30 - 4:45 PM, Mary Gates Hall 120
- WIN (Wk 9) Thursday, March 6th 3:30 - 4:45 PM, Mary Gates Hall 120
Funding from the NSEOFkeyboard_arrow_down
The NSEOF Funding Proposal form was designed with the intent to better understand each funding request unit's current position and the intention behind each proposal. It serves as a tool for our council to quickly identify the potential area of interest and need. Please review the FYE Council Operations and Procedures (specifically Article IV) to learn more about the funding process.
- New Funding: The FYESAC considers proposals to increase each spring (March 15). The Funding Request Form is closed for the 2024-2025 year.
- Already Funded: Units or departments who received funding in previous years from the NSEOF rate increase are required to provide NSEOF Funded Unit Feedback by April 15, 11:59 PM PST. Individual rolling documents have been established in SharePoint for feedback submission.
We look forward to working with units through the funding process; please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. To learn more about the New Student Enrollment and Orientation Fee, visit our website.
Past Regents Documents
- Regents Meeting, June 2019 - Document - (Funding for FY'21)
- Regents Meeting, June 2020 - Document - (Funding for FY'22)
- Regents Meeting, June 2021 - Document - (Funding for FY'23)
- Regents Meeting, June 2022 - Document - (Funding for FY'24)
- Regents Meeting, June 2023 - Document
NSEOF Funding FAQkeyboard_arrow_down
Are we allowed to ask for feedback prior to submission? The Chair is not able to review proposals and provide feedback ahead of time as they may have to cast a tiebreaker vote. However, the Council Advisor (LeAnne Jones Wiles) is able to provide feedback since she is not voting! Please connect with her directly.
- What if we’re trying to get more than one thing funded? We recommend that you write separate proposals for each item so it maximizes your chances of getting funded, as by tying two (or more) items together in the same proposal, the Council would have to deny both if even one item did not receive approval.
Can we submit supplemental information? Yes! If you have supplemental information that you believe will support your proposal, including the possibility of partial funding (such as a budgetary breakdown of what the NSEOF funding request will be used for), you are more than welcome to submit it.
How do we submit supplemental information? Please email supplemental information as file attachments to fyesac@uw.edu by the submission deadline. They will be bundled with the proposal for Council review.
What role does our student representative play in the funding request process? Units are welcome to have their student representative serve as an advocate during pre-vote discussions and/or present to the Council during proposal review if other unit staff are unable to attend.
How does the Council come to a decision on proposals? Students will be discussing the proposal based on the impact on incoming first year students and the responses to questions in the proposal.
Former Council Memberskeyboard_arrow_down
The Council typically meets serveral times throughout the Winter and Spring- however they are taking a hiatus for the 2023-2024 school year to account
2022-2023 FYE Student Advisory Council Members:
Designated Seats
Academic Support Programs
Kate Bias kebias@uw.edu ASUW: Board of Directors
Kisa Batool asuwbdpg@uw.edu ASUW: Senate
Nandana Jaideep njaideep@uw.edu Council Chair
Wei-Wei Lee fyesac@uw.edu First Year Programs
Nia Brice niabrice@uw.edu IFC Vacant Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity: Student Advisory Board (SAB) Fatima Gbla fatima15@uw.edu Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity: Academic Counseling Services (ACS)
Dianna Laguan dlaguan@uw.edu Panhellenic Association
Olivia Seaholm phmemdev@uw.edu Residential Community Student Association Madeleine Nowak mnowak2@uw.edu SAS: New Husky Communications
Sommer Ullrich sommeu@uw.edu UAA Advising
Muriel Strange mstran@uw.edu
At-Large Seats
At-Large: International Student
Jason Cundrawijaya jmatth24@uw.edu At-Large: International Student Weikun Zhang wz82@uw.edu At-Large: Transfer Nicholas Valades nvalades@uw.edu Many thanks to the 2021-2022 FYE Student Advisory Council Members:
Designated Seats
Academic Support Programs
Annie Yang ayang106@uw.edu ASUW: Board of Directors
Brent Seto bseto@uw.edu ASUW: Senate
Rohini Kilaru rkilaru@uw.edu Council Chair
Kent Vo fyesac@uw.edu First Year Programs
Wei-Wei Lee welee09@uw.edu IFC Vacant New Husky Communications Vacant Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity: Student Advisory Board (SAB) Vacant Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity: Academic Counseling Services
Fatima Gbla fatima15@uw.edu Panhellenic Association
Summer Jones phmemdev@uw.edu Residential Community Student Association
Vacant UAA Advising
Gyssel Bustamante bustag@uw.edu
At-Large Seats
At-Large: International Student
Debo Jyoti Paul debojp@uw.edu At-Large: RSO Alexa Keeley alexakeeley@me.com At-Large: Freshman Chloe Oehler coehle@uw.edu At-Large: Freshman Katherine Chancellor kachance@uw.edu At-Large: Freshman Samantha Hug samanthahuanggg@gmail.com At-Large: Transfer Halima Madey Madey.Halima.2018@gmail.com At-Large: Transfer Jacqueline Banuelos Fraire Jbanfraire@outlook.com At-Large: Transfer Yazmine Mendoza itismendoza@gmail.com At-Large: Transfer Quinton Walker qrw02@uw.edu
Many thanks to our 2020-2021 FYE Student Advisory Council Members:
Designated Seats
Academic Support Programs
Natalie Stagnone natstag@uw.edu ASUW: Board of Directors
Waleed Khan khanm5@uw.edu ASUW: Senate
Eva Hudak ehudak@uw.edu Council Chair
Andy Chia
First Year Programs
Kent Vo kntvo4@uw.edu Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity: Academic Counseling Services
Ximena Zuniga Lemus xzl@uw.edu Panhellenic Association
Payton Pedersen phmemdev@uw.edu Residential Community Student Association
Danny Casino dnc63@uw.edu UAA Advising
Natasha Lavides nlavides@uw.edu Offices invited to participate but unable to find representative:
New Husky Communications
OMA&D Student Advisory Board (SAB)IFC
At-Large Seats
At-Large: International Student
Mia Pham mia.phuongg@gmail.com At-Large: RSO Liliana Medel Martinez
Connor Finklmedel@uw.edu
connor.fink.2020@gmail.comAt-Large: Freshman Federica Alesiani
Tiara Hyltonfedera2@uw.edu
thylto02@uw.eduAt-Large: Transfer Sakthivel Murugan
Nadejda Neagusakthivelmurugan1999@gmail.com
nadejda@uw.eduCouncil Advisor: LeAnne Jones Wiles, ljwiles@uw.edu
Many thanks to our 2019-2020 FYE Student Advisory Council Members:
Many thanks to our 2018-2019 FYE Student Advisory Council Members:
Position Name Academic Support Programs Elizabeth Sather ems1997@uw.edu ASUW: Board of Directors Gabrielle Rivera/Andrew Tejero asuwbdcr@uw.edu/ asuwbdsp@uw.edu ASUW: Senate Noelani Arreola-Anduha reesen2@uw.edu First Year Programs Lily Peterson lilyp2@uw.edu Interfraternity Council Vacant Vacant Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity: SAB Mariela Galvan galvan18@uw.edu Panhellenic Association Alandra Gonzalez Alandraeg@gmail.com Residential Community Student Association Ian Yu rcsacomm@uw.edu At-Large: Freshman Student Samantha Freeman stf4@uw.edu At-Large: Transfer Student Bridget Wittke bwittke@uw.edu At-Large: Transfer Student Angela Wong awong76@uw.edu At-Large: International Student Angel Lin lint32@uw.edu At-Large: RSO Riley Brown rbrown12@uw.edu At-Large: Uaa Advising Alexa Yadama ayadama@uw.edu At-Large: OWRC Summer Si Lo kawaiichibi13@gmail.com Summary of the 2018-2019 FYE Advisory council minutes.
Many thanks to our 2017-2018 FYE Student Advisory Council Members:
Position Name Residential Community Student Association Karis Kim rcsapres@uw.edu Panhellenic Kelsey Hewson uwpanhelleniccr@gmail.com Interfraternity Council Vacant Vacant Academic Support Programs Owen Vickrey ovick@uw.edu ASUW: Board of Directors Anna Johnson asuwbdsp@uw.edu ASUW: Senate Melia Stewart melia23@uw.edu Office of Minority Affairs: SAB Ritika Jain rjain314@uw.edu RSO At- Large Jade Nguyen Jaden07@uw.edu At-Large Joely Nguyen anhng08@uw.edu At-Large Angela Wong awong76@uw.edu At-Large Nicole Dowds ndowds51@uw.edu At-Large Jane Kim jiyunkim@uw.edu At-Large Macey Schallert mschall@uw.edu Transfer Student At-Large Bridget Wittke bwittke@uw.edu Transfer Student At-Large Hiep Nguyen hiepqn@uw.edu Transfer Student At-Large David Alvarez davidalv@uw.edu Summary of the 2017-2018 FYE Advisory council minutes.
Many thanks to our 2016-2017 FYE Student Advisory Council Members:
Position Name Residential Community Student Association Halsey Stultz stultzh@uw.edu Panhellenic - New Members Grace Woodard greekmemdev@gmail.com Panhellenic Ellen Short uwpanhelleniccr@gmail.com ASUW: Board of Directors Vivian Oguejiofor vivianog@uw.edu ASUW: Senate Almodine Thompson almodine@uw.edu Office of Minority Affairs: SAB Ritika Jain rjain314@uw.edu Interfraternity Council Ian O-Keefe iokeefe@uw.edu At-Large Transfer Student Daniel Phung dani1402@uw.edu At- Large Angel Chen angelc34@uw.edu At- Large Thao Tang thao36@uw.edu At- Large Erin Nguy erinnguy@uw.edu Summary of the 2016-2017 FYE Advisory council including links to minutes for each meeting.