First Year Programs

How to get involved

Graduate students who are interested in gaining orientation, transition, and retention experience as part of a graduate program requirement or preparation for a career in higher education should complete the following steps to determine if an opportunity exists to collaborate.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide remuneration (payment, housing, or other benefits) to graduate students who partner with our office.

  1. Explore the FYP website to learn more about our structure and programs. Detailed information can be found on the First Year Experience Projects page. 
  2. Based on this information, determine a few opportunities that meet your program requirements or professional development needs.
  3. Contact FYP to schedule a meeting (telephone or in person) with a member of our leadership team to discuss these opportunities. Email to schedule a meeting.
  4. Based on this conversation, submit an brief (1-2 page) proposal for a project. Include specific learning outcomes, timeline, and other information that would help frame the partnership (i.e. graduate program requirements).