First Year Programs

The FYP Legacy (Former FYP Staff)

In 2004, Undergraduate Academic Affairs merged Advising & Orientation programming and First Year (formerly Freshman) Interest Groups (FIGs) to form First Year Programs.  Since 2004 individuals have created, sustained, and enhanced programming to support first-year students. FYP believes that each individual contributes to our collective impact.

FYP celebrates when team members move on to new opportunities. Team members may physically leave First Year Programs, but they will always be a part of the FYP Family. If you have additional updates to this page please email

Grant Kollet

Director, 2005-2014

Grant was the first formal director of FYP. He managed the office, advocated for university-wide A&O streamlined programming, and instituted the closing A&O tradition at the columns.


Becky (Francoeur) Corriell

FIG Program Manager, 2006-2012

Becky was instrumental in redesigning the First Year Interest Group program from a peer leadership perspective. Additionally, she was a key contributor to developing and launching the 2009 longitudinal assessment of the program.


Bryan Crockett

Program Manager, 2006-2012

Bryan created strong orientation leader student teams. He also built and expanded the freshman, transfer, and parent orientation program.


Jennifer (Drumm) Gagne

Dawg Daze Welcome Week Coordinator, 2007-2010

Jen built upon the newly implemented Dawg Daze welcome week programming and contributed to DD becoming a formal UW campus tradition.


Namura Nkeze

Program Manager, 2009-2012

Namura led the transfer orientation program, designed, and developed the Commuter Commons, which is now the Commuter and Transfer Commons.


Natalie (Gempesaw-Pangan) Mckinnis

Assistant Director, 2011-2018

Natalie redesigned the freshman orientation program to launch the “flipped classroom” initiative and re-launched the Commuter and Transfer Commons. 


Katherine Sykes

Program Support Supervisor, 2011-2014

Katherine developed the first operations position in FYP. She worked closely with the student employees and set the groundwork for the operations manager position.


Ali (Albrecht) Crist

Sr. Program Manager/Transfer Initiative Manager, 2012-2017

Ali worked on the transfer A&O program. She developed and streamlined departmental A&O and contributed to the university-wide community college engagement initiative.


Martha (Chan) Tran

Sr.Program Manager & Communications Specialist, 2012 – 2018

Martha led Dawg Daze efforts and reimagined the program to include stronger partnerships with units across campus.  She grew the sponsorship arena and launched a new communications role in FYP.


Rob Carroll

Program Manager, 2012-2015

Rob worked with the FIG and Dawg Daze program. He also designed the first online international advising and orientation program.


Amanda (Anderson) Larkin

Sr. Operations Manager, 2015 – 2019

Amanda worked with the Program Managers to streamline processes that improved office efficiency. She also worked to improve the customer service experience for new students and parents.


Julie Larsen

Sr. Program Manager, 2015-2018

Julie was instrumental in designing the student leadership competencies for over 400 student leaders in the office. She also led the curriculum redesign for FIGs.


Sarah Tiffany

Coordinator for Logistics and Programming, 2016-2017

Sarah provided support in a temporary position while FYP took on a Transfer Initiative project, she was instrumental in providing logistical support for all FYP Programs.


Daniel Barkley

Sr. Program Manager, 2017-2020

Daniel had a lasting impact on our transfer department advising process and the ability to innovate and create new programming to connect first-year students authentically.  


Julie Berry

Sr. Program Manager, 2018-2022

Julie led the Dawg Daze program and expanded first-year engagement efforts in the office with the Networks program. She also supervised the Orientation Leaders from 2020-2021. 


Luis Bowden

Operations Manager, 2019-2022

Luis implemented a new model of a shared Student Assistant model for the Mary Gates Hall 120 office and the Commuter and Transfer Commons. 


Carlos Guillen

Director, 2014-2022

Carlos managed assessment work to make sure that our office met goals and outcomes. He also managed the Family Orientation program, A&O Modules, and worked closely with the FIG team to develop curriculum.  


Matt Skirven

Associate Director, 2018-2023

Matt was integral in implementing a new reservation system for A&O. He managed Freshman A&O and worked to increase first-generation student access across programs.


Renee Infelise

Program Manager, First Year Engagement, 2022-2023

Renee was integral in planning the largest Dawg Daze in UW history (598 events). She launched the new FIG Leader Street Team, created a curriculum for Advising & Orientation on-campus programming, and supported the First Year Networks. 


Emma Yamamoto

Program Logistics Manager / Program Manager for First-year Academic Partnerships, 2019-2023

Emma was the first Program Logistics Manager in FYP. She built the role, created new reservation system processes, and managed the transfer appointment and course managements process. 


Nicki Marley

Program Systems Specialist/Technical Project Manager, 2023-2024

Nicki was the first person in this postion. They built the role, created new process documents, and provided appropriate scope. 


Nick Goodwin

Program Manager, First-Year Academic Partnerships, 2023-2025

Following the reorganizing of roles and responsibilities within the office, Nick was the first person in this postion. Nick led our Orientation Leaders, strengthened campus partnerships and helped build out our A&O Part 3 program. 


First Year Program Interns